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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.



In these courses, students will meet the Alberta Education outcomes for Foods 10 or 20 or 30, depending what level each student is at. This involves a more in depth look into the structure of food and how to prepare it. The emphasis of these courses is on developing selection, preparation and cooking skills in a wide variety of foods, with an emphasis on making food as nutritious as possible. While preparing foods for consumption, the practice of safe and sanitary food habits within the kitchen is of major importance.

Courses are devoted to promoting safe and sanitary food handling techniques, promoting nutritional food choices and meal planning while developing intermediate skills in the areas of selection, preparation, and serving of food.

Braemar has a beautiful kitchen laboratory, and offers over 30 courses to choose from:

FOD 1010: Food Basics


FOD 2120: Meal Planning 2

FOD 1020: Contemporary Baking


FOD 2130: Vegetarian Cuisine

FOD 1030: Snacks and Appetizers


FOD 2140: Rush Hour Cuisine

FOD 1040: Meal Planning 1


FOD 2150: Food Safety & Sanitation

FOD 1050: Fast & Convenience Foods


FOD 2170: International Cuisine

FOD 1060: Canadian Heritage Foods


FOD 2180: Vegetables & Fruits

FOD 1070: Farm to Table


FOD 2190: Grains, Legumes, Pulses & Seeds

FOD 1080: Food & Nutrition Basics


FOD 3010: Food for Life Stages

FOD 2030: Food Decisions & Health


FOD 3030: Creative Baking

FOD 2040: Cake & Pastry


FOD 3040: Yeast Products

FOD 2050: Bread Products


FOD 3050: Advanced Soups & Sauces

FOD 2060: Milk Products & Eggs


FOD 3060: Food Presentation

FOD 2070: Soups & Sauces


FOD 3070: Short-Order Cooking

FOD 2090: Creative Cold Foods


FOD 3080: Advanced Meat Cookery

FOD 2100: Basic Meat Cookery


FOD 3100: Entertaining With Food

FOD 2110: Fish & Poultry


FOD 3160: Regional Cuisine