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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.


Terra Centre for Teen Parents

Braemar School is an Edmonton Public School site devoted to the education of pregnant and parenting teens. Braemar School works in partnership with Terra Centre for Teen Parents, a non-profit organization that empowers teen parents to succeed. Terra offers programs and services at three locations, including Braemar School. To see a complete listing of services, please visit https:terracentre.ca/services

Terra provides the following services at Braemar School:

  • Relentless Empowerment Coaching provides individual counselling, support group, parenting education, referral and advocacy for young moms.
  • Post High School Transition Program supports young parents who want o pursue post-secondary or career training programs.
  • Mental Health Services provides professional counselling services around relationship issues, anxiety, depression, complex trauma, family violence, grief and loss, and additions.
  • Indigenous Cultural Services provides opportunities for participants and staff to deepen their understanding of Indigenous cultural practices, customs and history.
  • Early Learning and Child Care allows young moms at Braemar School to complete their high school education while their children receive high quality child care onsite.
  • Youth Leadership Program encourages young parents to develop leadership skills through volunteering, public speaking and by educating their peers about the realities and challenges of teen parenting.
  • Clothes Closet provides free baby essentials including diapers, wipes, formula and clothing.
  • Family Literacy for Young Parents promotes the value and benefits of literacy.

When you arrive at Braemar School, you will find that the staff of both Braemar School and Terra Centre will welcome you and work together to ensure that everything is in place in your life so that you can achieve your goal of completing high school and moving to a successful life for you and your child/ren.