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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.


Principal's Message

Welcome to Braemar School!

We are a specialized high school serving the needs of pregnant or parenting young women. We provide flexible high school programming to assist our students in successfully completing their high school and preparing them for post-secondary or the world of work. We accept registrations at any time throughout the school year.

As soon as you walk through the doors at Braemar to register you become a part of the Braemar family.  You are greeted warmly and welcomed into the school.   Our knowledgeable front end staff will help you with the registration forms and then our high school career counselor will meet with you to discuss your educational goals and create a high school plan that prepares you for post-secondary and beyond or into the work world, in a career that will be fulfilling to you.

Braemar is so much more than just a school!   We know that in order to be a successful learner our students require support for their physical, emotional and financial needs in conjunction with their educational programming.  Those needs are addressed through our partnership with the Terra Centre.  Every student meets with one of the Terra Educational Support Services Workers to discuss their individual needs and then Terra assists with providing the necessary support; such as childcare, health and medical support or financial and legal assistance.   Our students meet with their Educational Support Services worker throughout their high school years to continuously adjust to changing needs.

As a result of the supports provided by the Terra Centre and the highly individualized academic program, we empower our young women to realize their full potential and create a healthy future for themselves and their child.

We welcome you to call and set up an appointment to tour the facility, meet our staff and gain a clear understanding of all we have to offer.


Principal – Braemar School